Diabetes mellitus is a disease that worries a person throughout his life, it appears due to a complete or partial lack of the pancreatic hormone - insulin. Insulin is a transporter of glucose into the cells of our body, to enrich the blood with nutrients and saturate the cells with energy.
Many people underestimate the importance of adhering to a diabetes diet. This disease, in essence, is caused by improper diet subsequently resulting in metabolic disorders. It is scientifically proven that it is foolish to deny that a diabetic diet is one of a kind right way to combat an illness.
Hyperglycemia is the main pathogenetic stage in the development of diabetes mellitus, in order to avoid which it is worth following a diet. The basis of the diet for diabetes mellitus is an increase in protein intake, a decrease in carbohydrates in the daily diet, as well as fats, which are easily converted into carbohydrate components and their components, which complicates and aggravates this disease. It turns out that following simple and clear rules in nutrition, you can return metabolism and blood glucose levels to normal.
How to eat with diabetes
For a diabetic, the question is invariably important - what kind of diet therapy is needed for diabetes mellitus and how effective it can be. The main food products should be dairy products, vegetables and fruits. Adequate meat intake is needed. It is important to prevent the breakdown of protein in the body and to monitor the maintenance of glycogen, the natural production of the energy component of the substance in our body. This directly depends on the daily intake of food, high in protein, as well as trace elements, vitamins and minerals that saturate our body.
The importance of eating beans for diabetes
Beans are one of the richest sources of protein and amino acids. A prominent variety is the white kidney bean. It contains a large accumulation of nonessential and irreplaceable amino acids that cannot be synthesized in our body, and must be supplied with food sources, these are valine, tryptophan, leucine, methionine, lysine, histidine, phenylalanine, threonine. The product contains vitamins C, B, PP, potassium, zinc, iron and phosphorus.

Red beans are a legal food for diabetics and are rich in minerals and vitamins.
Beans contribute to the formation of gas in the intestines, which is a somewhat limiting factor in the use of large quantities. However, if enzyme preparations are used with the use of beans, such an undesirable property can be avoided.
Cereals for diabetes mellitus
It is worth noting that one of the important aspects when following a diet is the use of buckwheat porridge. The originality of this cereal is that it does not greatly affect the metabolism of carbohydrates in the body, and keeps the glucose level at a stable level, without impulsive rises, than other foods.
In addition to buckwheat, you should include oatmeal, wheat porridge, pearl barley and corn in your diet, this will be the right breakfast for a diabetic. Cereals are enriched with a variety of vitamin and mineral composition necessary for the stable and proper functioning of our body, and are also easily digestible. An important factor is that the above-listed cereals are an excellent source of adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to fill muscle cells with energy.
Fruits to Eat for Diabetes Mellitus
Fruits are the main source of vitamins, minerals and fiber necessary for the normal functioning of the human body. The concentration of these nutrients in this food group is several times higher than in any other food sources. An important feature is the almost complete absence of glucose, and the predominance of fructose and sucrose in the composition.

Citrus fruits are the most useful fruits for diabetics, characterized by a low glycemic index.
Let's take a look at what fruits and berries should be included in the diet for diabetes.
From fruits:
- grenades;
- oranges;
- dried fruits (prunes, dried apricots, dried apples);
- pears;
- tangerines;
- grapefruit;
- nectarines;
- lemons;
- apricots;
- apples.
From berries:
- any kind of currant;
- gooseberry;
- blackberry;
- Cherry;
- blueberry.
Melon and watermelon should be consumed in moderation and limited quantities, as these foods have a higher carbohydrate content.
Anyone with diabetes should pay more attention to fruits such as grapefruit, lemon, and tangerines for a number of reasons:
- rich content of vitamin C. The importance of vitamin C for the human body can hardly be overestimated. Scientifically proven that it is important for strengthening the walls of blood vessels, as well as the work of enzyme systems;
- one of the best qualities of citrus fruits is their low glycemic index. This is explained by the fact that the effect of carbohydrate components in these fruits has very little effect on blood glucose levels;
- possessing powerful antioxidant abilities that inhibit the development of complications of diabetes by stopping the negative effect of hyperglycemia on the cells of our body.

Fresh juice. Diabetic diet is not a reason not to indulge yourself!
A quick note on citrus juices. Try to avoid buying juices, even natural juices, in regular stores, as they contain carbohydrate components and sugar, this can lead to an increase in blood glucose levels. Your best bet would be to buy fresh fruit and make the juice from a truly naturally grown product.
What should not be consumed with diabetes mellitus?
Every diabetic should know what not to eat with diabetes mellitus. If you consume all foods, without exception, without knowing in advance about their glycemic index, this can lead to the progressive development of hyperglycemia with subsequent hyperglycemic coma.
A diabetic diet should not contain prohibited foods.
Flour and bakery products:
- White bread, especially freshly baked goods;
- Any rich products;
- Puff pastry.
Meat products and seafood:
- Smoked products;
- Rich meat broths;
- Some birds' meat (duck, goose);
- Fatty pork and beef;
- Fatty fish.

With diabetes, fatty and spicy meat products will have to be abandoned in favor of dietary meat (in limited quantities).
Fruits and dried fruits prohibited in diabetes mellitus:
- Bananas;
- Grape;
- Dates;
- Fig;
- Strawberries;
- Raisin.
Milk products:
- Fatty sour cream;
- Whole milk;
- Kefirs and yoghurts with a high fat content;
- Butter (especially homemade).
Vegetable dishes:
- Potato;
- Peas;
- Any pickled vegetables.
Other food products:
- Sugar;
- Candy;
- Butter cookies;
- Fruit juices (store);
- Any food in fast food establishments.
On the dangers and benefits of eating dates, coffee and honey for people with diabetes
It is no exaggeration to say that everyone loves these products, and it is hard to give up these little joys of life due to diabetes mellitus. Therefore, we will analyze separately whether you can use them in your diet or not.
As they say, how many people, so many opinions. There are many articles published in magazines and various health blogs about the use of honey by people with diabetes. Let's think logically, in the structure of honey there is a high content of fructose, this carbohydrate ingredient is unable to significantly change the level of glucose in a person's blood. However, we cannot ignore the fact that for the assimilation and metabolism of fructose we need insulin, which, for example, in type 2 diabetes, simply cannot fully fulfill its purpose. Consuming honey in this case will lead to an increase in glycemia in people with diabetes, in turn, it would not bring anything bad to a healthy person.

Can honey be used for diabetes or not? There is constant debate, but it is unanimously accepted that 1 spoonful on an empty stomach will not hurt, but will be useful.
Based on these facts, for diabetics, conclusions can be drawn:
- Honey, as a substance useful for the body, should be present in the diet.
- Do not consume more than two tablespoons a day.
- For the greatest effect, it is best to eat a spoonful of honey on an empty stomach and drink it with a glass of water. This is due to the fact that honey is converted into glycogen, and will serve as the beginning of the generation of energy and the synthesis of useful substances in the body, working throughout the day. Most often, a small amount of this product is still included in various diet reminders for diabetes.
A very controversial product to include in the diet for diabetes. They contain a huge amount of calories and fast carbohydrates, however, they contain a lot of potassium and vitamin A, which serves as a bias for diabetic complications.
Based on these facts, it is recommended:
- Diabetics with a severe form of this disease are strictly prohibited from using dates.
- With a mild form of diabetes, corrected by adherence to a diet and hypoglycemic drugs, the use of a small amount is allowed, provided that the daily intake does not exceed 100 grams.

Diabetics are strongly advised to refuse coffee.
People with severe diabetes are strongly advised to avoid this product, regardless of the concentration of coffee. With an average form of the severity of this disease, the use of a small amount of weak coffee is allowed.
Despite the fact that it has practically no effect on carbohydrate metabolism, coffee activates the vasomotor center and relaxes the walls of blood vessels. As a result, the vessels of the muscles of the skeleton, heart and kidneys expand, increasing the activity of the cerebral arteries. Therefore, the diet for diabetic patients excludes coffee.
Nuts and their beneficial properties
Nuts, without exaggeration, are just a "hotbed" of beneficial properties and nutrients necessary for our body. They include vitamin D-3, K, Ca, fiber, and polyunsaturated fatty acids. In the fight against diabetes, nuts play an important role, directly affecting carbohydrate metabolism, lowering the level of glycemia. In addition, the use of nuts helps to restore the damaged cells of internal organs, stopping the development of complications of diabetes. Thus, the introduction of this product into the diet of a person with diabetes is vital.
Let's consider separately the effect of different types of nuts on sugar reduction.
We all know from childhood that this type of nuts is food for the brain. The diet for diabetes should contain walnuts, this is one of the most important foods, since the brain lacks energy compounds due to insufficient intake of glucose into it.

Nutrient-rich walnuts must be present in the diet of a diabetic.
Walnuts are rich in manganese, alpha-linolenic acid and zinc. These trace elements directly affect the lowering of blood sugar levels. Also included in the composition of essential fatty acids inhibit the progression of angiopathy of internal organs and the defeat of the lower extremities atherosclerosis. An important role is played by the fact that the walnut contains practically no carbohydrates, this is a simple answer to all questions about the role of the walnut. It can be eaten with diabetes as a separate dish or as a dietary supplement.
This is a dietary product, especially rich in amino acid composition, and its protein is vegetable, therefore it cannot be replaced by any protein of animal products. Therefore, peanuts must be included in breakfast, lunch or dinner for every day. The protein found in peanuts is quickly included in the body's metabolism and breaks down, creating high-density glycoproteins in the liver to reduce sugar. This "expels" cholesterol from blood vessels and breaks it down.
Almond nuts
They have the largest amount of calcium in their composition. Almonds are highly recommended for developing diabetic osteoarthropathy that affects bones and joints. Eating 10-13 almonds a day, you will provide the body with the necessary trace elements, they will have a positive effect on carbohydrate metabolism. The diet for diabetes in adults should contain almonds.
Pine nuts
Pine nuts are delicious in the first place. In addition, they contain a huge amount of K, Ca, vitamins B and D, ascorbic acid, phosphorus and magnesium, they are needed if the goal is to eat right. Pine nuts are used to prevent microangiopathy, inflammatory processes on the legs and ARVI in people with diabetic foot syndrome.
What you need to know about the glycemic index
The glycemic index is a measure of the effect of food after ingestion on blood sugar levels. Each product has its own glycemic index. If it is low (10-40 units), then the blood sugar level will rise slowly, if the index is high (more than 70 units), then quickly. In this regard, every person suffering from diabetes is simply obliged to know the glycemic index of what he eats.
If you are not sure, we strongly recommend that you do not take risks, even if the disease is in its early stages. Because all foods with a high index must be stopped. Products with an average index (if they are not on the prohibited list), you just need to limit their use.

Diabetes brings a lot of discomfort to the patient, but by following the correct diet and constantly monitoring blood sugar levels, you can lead a fulfilling lifestyle.
The article provides basic recommendations on how to eat well in diabetes. Which diet is right for you? A qualified specialist who knows the individual characteristics of your body will understand. He will make a diet that lowers sugar levels, the observance of which will help in the fight against an insidious ailment.
Eat right with diabetes, harmonizing the glycemic index of foods, paying attention to all important aspects.
Be healthy!